Logicity – A real life climate change games… will you survive?

LogiCity is a fun interactive computer game with a difference. Aimed at young people under 25, it’s a game set in a 3D virtual city with five main activities where players are set the task of reducing the carbon footprint of an average resident. As players work their way through the game they will pick up information about Climate Change, and some of the main ways in which everyone is currently contributing to the emissions of the main greenhouse gas (CO2) that causes Climate Change.

It places individuals in a virtual environment and lets them experiment and experience the potential effect that individual actions can have on the planet before it’s too late. Users can travel to the future to see the direct results of their actions in real time by quickly fast forwarding to the year 2066.

The game is part of Defras Climate Challenge programme to increase public awareness of Climate Change across the country.


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